Royal Mail – Special Delivery Guaranteed services and Consequential Loss enhancements

Example based on the service code SD1: 

Special Delivery Guaranteed By 1PM - £750:

If the service is used for the shipments, you automatically get a compensation cover up to £750. However, as an option you can go for an additional cover for up to £2500, but that will only work if you select the relevant service enhancement.

All the other Special Guaranteed services work in exactly the same way. There would be an automatic compensation cover and then you will be able to select an additional cover if needed.

Selecting the Consequential Loss service enhancement is perfect for customers who are not contracted to use all of the Special Delivery Guaranteed services, or for those who are using the SD1 and choosing the relevant service enhancement as this would be the best / cheapest option.

More information on the available Special Delivery Guaranteed services and possible service enhancements can be found here