Royal Mail SMS and Email Notifications

How to enable Royal Mail triggered SMS and email notifications


SMS notifications are triggered by the destination phone number portion of an XML Request (API call).


The service enhancement code '13' must also be used for this to work: 


This must be included or the notifications will not trigger. Please see the field validation rules below:

  • Phone number must start with "0" or "44" or “+”
  • It MUST then be followed by "7" and then any other number
  • If starting with 0, the maximum length is 11
  • If starting with 44, the maximum length is 12
  • If starting with +, the maximum length is 13
  • Premium (070) numbers are not permissible

Examples of valid numbers: 07123456789 or 447123456789 or +447123456789


Email notifications are triggered by the destination email address line in the API request, and the service enhancement code '14'


The notifications will only work if the shipments gets manifested before it enters RM network, as manifesting it triggers an automatic pre-advice with all of the information on shipment to be sent to RM. This is how they would receive an information about phone number and email address.
Example of XML request for both.

The notifications the customer gets from Royal Mail show the customer’s name provided in the <shipperCompanyName> field.


  • Please note: Royal Mail confirmed that they have logic where if an email + SMS notification is being passed, they will only pass the email notification back. 
  • Please note: The notifications will only be triggered if the shipment is manifested before it enters Royal Mail network.