OBA Access Code - Rejection Reasons

  • Rejection due to account status – the account status is not registered on Royal Mail system as a live account.
    Please contact Royal Mail to resolve this issue, to enable you to resubmit the request.
  • Rejection due to account number – the account number is incorrect or invalid.
    Please check if you have provided the correct account number, contact Royal Mail to confirm it and resubmit the request.
  • Rejection due to posting location number – the posting location number is invalid, incorrect, not being associated to the account or 3rd party posting location is not linked or has expired.
    Please check if you have provided the correct posting location number, contact Royal Mail to confirm it and resubmit the request. If the 3rd party is not linked or has expired, you need to change or add the date and then resubmit the Royal Mail application.
  • Rejection due to OBA profile email address – the OBA email address provided is not registered, activated with OBA or not associated with the account number and posting location provided.
    To see how to have your OBA email address registered or activated - please read this article.
    To have your OBA email address associated with the account number and posting location please speak with the super user of your account or contact Royal Mail.