Intelligent Shipper Release Notes - August 2022

Intelligent Shipper Release Notes Release Date: 22nd, 25th & 30th August 2022 Version Number 2022.8

is-icon-approved-royal-mail-labelling Enhancements

is-icon-3pl-management Fixes

is-icon-3pi-management-1 Integrations


is-icon-3pi-management-1 New carrier partnership - The Delivery Group

Intersoft are proud to announce that The Delivery Group can now be added to your Intersoft account at no cost and we won't even charge for your label production. 

To find out more, please speak to us by submiting your interest here.

is-icon-3pi-management-1 New carrier integration - Amazon Shipping

Intersoft now offer Amazon Shipping to it's growing carrier library

To enquire more and to get setup pre-peak, please speak to us by submiting your interest here.

is-icon-approved-royal-mail-labelling Intelligent Shipper now displays more search options under the 'Shipment Search screen' 

Intersoft's Intelligent Shipper now displays more search options in the Shipment Search screen under the 'advanced view' which allows users to search for shipments based on partial postcode and filter search results on recipient name, destination town and destination country.

These enhancements will improve usability and make it easier to find the correct shipment quickly and efficiently.  

Visit the Intersoft website for more -