Intelligent Shipper Release Notes Release Date: 19th, 21st and 25th April 2022 Version Number 2022.4
Reason for Export Added to Royal Mail Integration
A 'Reason for Export' field has been added to the Royal Mail Account tab on the Customer screen in Intelligent Shipper for use with Royal Mail international shipments. A default Reason for Export' will be set to ‘Sale of Goods’ for any existing accounts but can be changed if needed from drop-down list of the values Royal Mail allow to be used. If a Reason for Export is not provided on shipment creation, the default Reason for Export will be used instead. This Reason for Export will be sent to Royal Mail in pre-advice data and also used on customs documents such as CN23s and Pro Forma invoices.
Customers who are providing Reason for Export on shipment creation, or who are creating customs documents for Royal Mail shipments via the printDocument API, will need to provide one of the following export reasons: Gift, Commercial Sample, Documents, Returned Goods, Other, Sale of goods or Mixed Content. For more information see the relevant Intelligent Shipper API specification.
CN23 Updated to Display Total Weight and Total Value per Item
The CN23 has been updated so that the Net Weight and Value fields for each item show the overall total for that item, i.e. the weight of the item x quantity of that item in the shipment, and the value of the item x the quantity of that item in the shipment. This is to ensure consistency with electronic data, and provide smoother customs clearance.
If you need any support or more information on the above updates, please contact our Support team on the below.
Phone: +44 01753 689 292