DPD Ireland - Customer Onboarding Steps

Great to hear that you would like to use DDP Ireland through Intersoft. This article covers everything you need to start the integration.

  • Services – a list of all of the carrier’s services and service enhancements available through Intersoft.
  • Onboarding Form – once you are ready to progress, please share a completed form with the Onboarding Team. We will need a separate one for each of the accounts you hold with the carrier and intend to use.
  • Useful Information - additional information related to the carrier - field requirement, service enhancements etc. 

STEP 1 – Please to contact integrations@dpd.ie to set up a new API account and mention it is for a Intersoft/ DPD IE Integration. This must be done, even if you had previously been using an account on DPD IE Shipping Solution Web App. The new account, compatible with our API will still be needed. 

STEP 2 – Please fill the Onboarding Form and share it with the Onboarding Team at onboarding@intersoft.co.uk.

STEP 3 – Intersoft will then set up the integration on both - Sandbox and Production.

STEP 4 – Once everything is set up - please follow the the sign off process as per the below instruction from the carrier:

"As part of the sign off procedure (before you start sending parcels with DPD) we ask you to record the first batch of DPD consignment numbers from the labels you create using the form you can find in this link - >>SignOff<<

All of the scenarios in the sign off form mightn’t apply to your shipping requirements, so you only need to create labels for the scenarios that do and record the consignment numbers in relevant fields.

As soon as we receive the sign-off form from you, I’ll check in with our credit dept to ensure everything is ok."

STEP 7 – Once labels and data verifed and signed off by the carrier - READY TO SHIP!