Intelligent Shipper Release Notes - July 2024

Intelligent Shipper Release Notes (Please refer to your deployment notification for Release Notes Dates).

is-icon-3pi-management-1 Royal Mail OBA Access Code Request – Registered Billing Postcode and Posting Location Number Postcode Added 

The Registered Billing Postcode and Posting Location Number Postcode fields have been added to the Royal Mail OBA Access Code Submission email, the Account Screen, and the Intersoft Portal OBA Access Request screen. This addition helps reduce the number of failed requests to OBA, thereby streamlining the overall onboarding process.


is-icon-3pi-management-1  Royal Mail Integration – Maximum Shipment Value Restriction Removed from International Heavier Services

The maximum shipment value restriction of 150 Euros/135 GBP on Royal Mail International Heavier Services has been removed. The services include HVB, HVD, HVE, HVK and HVL. This change allows customers to create shipments with values exceeding 150 Euros/135 GBP using these services.


is-icon-3pi-management-1 Royal Mail Integration – Addition of Recipient Phone Number for eCustoms

The eCustoms service enhancement, which includes the Recipient Phone Number, has been added to the Royal Mail integration. When this enhancement is used for a shipment, the Detail Supplement Record (record 03) of the Type 3 pre-advice file sent to Royal Mail will be populated with the supplement code "MO" in Field 04 and the recipient's phone number in Field 05. This service enhancement is available for use with all international services.


is-icon-3pi-management-1 Daily Exchange Rate Feed for Currency Conversion Enabled in Intelligent shipper

Intelligent shipper now has a daily exchange rate feed that stores exchange rates from other currencies into GBP in the database. If customers have exchange rates setup in the Currencies screen and don’t want these exchange rates to be overwritten by the daily update, they need to opt-out in the UI.


is-icon-3pi-management-1 Contact Details Updated in Error Messages

The Intersoft Support Team contact details (phone number and email address) have been updated on all error messages received by customers. This ensures that customers can reach out to the correct support team in case of any error.


is-icon-3pi-management-1 Asendia Integration Updated

Asendia integration has been updated to comply with the carrier’s latest specs. Tracking Ranges format has also been updated to include prefixes consisting of 3 letters and a total barcode range of 13 digits (including prefix), in accordance with Asendia’s update to their tracking range format.